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How to Put Your Dog on a Diet

Obesity is more common among dogs than you might think. An estimated 56% of dogs in the United States are overweight or obese. Like humans, dogs face serious health consequences due to excess weight or obesity. Unfortunately, dog obesity often goes underrecognized. That’s why, as a pet parent, you must pay close attention to your dog’s weight.

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Are Vegetarian and Vegan Diets Safe for Cats & Dogs?

Between 5-10% of the US population follow either a vegetarian or vegan diet, for a range of health-related, ideological or religious reasons. It’s understandable that some vegetarians and vegans may feel uncomfortable feeding animal products to their pets, as it goes against their personal beliefs. However, it’s important to be aware of the risks these diets present for cats and dogs, and their potential to not meet your pet’s nutritional needs.


Thanksgiving Food Your Pet Can and Can’t Eat

As you’re preparing your Thanksgiving feast, you may wonder what treats you can safely share with your pet. As the number of accidental poisonings soar over Thanksgiving and the holidays, with pets getting into delicacies intended for their humans, it’s important to know which tasty treats are safe and which to steer clear of.


Homemade Food for Pets

Over the past few years, as we’ve all become more aware of what’s going into our foods, more and more pet owners have turned to homemade diets for their pets. Whether it’s due to concerns about GMO ingredients, overly processed foods and filler ingredients, or simply a picky pet turning their nose up at kibble, there are a number of potential benefits to homemade pet food. However, there are also some downsides, and it’s important to know how to formulate homemade meals correctly, to ensure your pet gets the nutrients they need. Read on to find out everything you need to know about homemade pet food.


Managing Obesity in Cats and Dogs

Weight management can be a big problem for pets. Approximately 60% of cats and 55% of dogs in the United States are either overweight or obese. Not only can this impact your pet’s quality of life, making it harder for them to enjoy walks and playtime, but it can also lead to medical issues such as diabetes, pancreatitis and arthritis. Read on to learn more about the risk factors for obesity in pets, and how you can help your pet lose weight safely, if needed.


Are Grain-Free Diets Safe for Dogs?

As a pet parent, it can be incredibly difficult to know what type of diet is best for your dog. One trend that has become popular in recent years is grain-free dog food, however, it’s important to understand the science and implications of this diet, to make an informed decision about your pet’s nutrition.


Why is my dog not eating and what can I do?

Dogs love to eat. Whether they’re making puppy-dog eyes at you from beneath the dinner table, or lunging for that pizza crust on the sidewalk, it often seems as though their main mission in life is getting food. So if your pup has suddenly lost their appetite, it’s bound to be a bit concerning.


The Difference Between Food Allergies and Environmental Allergies in Dogs

If your pup suffers from itching, hair loss, skin infections, or ear infections, she may have allergies. But does she have a food allergy, seasonal allergies, or both? The symptoms may be similar, but they require different treatments, so read on to learn more about how to identify and deal with canine allergies.


Cat and Kitten Nutrition 101

With hundreds of pet food brands, crazy treat trends, and confusing ingredients, it’s hard to know what’s best for your cat. In an age of technology where it’s so easy to be misled and get inaccurate answers online, we’ve put together a comprehensive nutrition guide, complete with all the information you need to plan for your cat’s diet.


Dog and Puppy Nutrition 101

Whether you’re a new puppy mom or a seasoned dog dad, providing the right nutrition for your pet never gets easier. There’s a wealth of misinformation out there, from fad diets to false marketing and confusing pet food labels. We understand it’s hard to know who to trust. So we’ve prepared a one-stop resource on nutrition, with everything you need to know to make an informed decision about your dog’s diet.


Human Food That Makes Good Pet Treats

When you’re stuck indoors, sometimes you need to find creative ways to make the most of what you already have. First toilet paper disappeared off store shelves, and now pet food is becoming a hot commodity. If your dog or cat can’t get a fix of their go-to treats, here are some human foods you can safely substitute.


Halloween Horrors for Your Pet

Halloween is just around the corner! And for most pet owners, the scariest thing that could happen is having a very sick pet on their hands. Because Halloween goodies frequently contain ingredients that are toxic to pets, you should educate yourself about the potential dangers this spooky season can hold, as well as the steps to take in case of accidental ingestion. So let’s dive in!


Why Do Dogs Eat Grass?

Have you ever wondered why your dog eats grass? Many people think it happens when a dog’s stomach is upset. Unfortunately, no one knows for sure why dogs sometimes chow down on grass! But read on to learn more about theories, potential risks and dangers, and how to deal with your pup’s tummy troubles.

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